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Service Management World Discount is $400 for HDI Local Chapter Members

November 17-21, 2024, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort, Orlando, FL

Service Management World is headed to Orlando in 2024! If you want to stay ahead of the curve and learn about the latest trends in support and service management, then this is the conference for you. With inspiring keynotes and more practitioner-led case studies than ever, this conference is sure to educate and inspire you.

As an HDI local chapter member, you receive a $400 discount on the cost of conference registration, which more than covers your annual membership dues of $149.00! By joining or renewing your membership now, you'll be eligible to receive this awesome discount in addition to gaining access to all of the benefits that local chapter membership offers. Why miss out on this incredible offer?

You can get save up to $400 when you register 

  1. If you are already an active HDI Local Chapter member, use the discount code unique to your local chapter when you register! OR...
  2. If you are not currently an Active Member, Join or Renew your HDI Local Chapter Membership THEN
    use the discount code unique to your local chapter when you register!
  3. Register for Service Management World - Use your member discount code and save!

Your Local Chapter Active Members Discount Code