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Support World LIve 2022

Join Now and Save $150

Join now and save $350.00 off your Service Management Worldpass!

Are you planning... thinking about... going to... Service Management World November 11-15, 2023 in Orlando?

With three decades of experience as a resource for service management and technical support professionals, HDI doesn’t just stay ahead of industry trends—we help set them. Let the program, the experts, and your fellow attendees help you embrace today’s ever changing landscape. Attend the definitive event for Service Management professionals and propel your business and career forward. Reserve your spot today!

HDI is offering all HDI Local Chapter members a $350 (up from $150) discount. 

  1. If you are already an active HDI Local Chapter member, use the discount code unique to your local chapter when you register to get $350 off your pass! OR...
  2. If you are not currently an Active Member, Join or Renew your HDI Local Chapter Membership THEN
    use the discount code unique to your local chapter when you register to a $350 discount off your pass!

  3. Register for Support World Live - Use your member discount code to save $350

Your Local Chapter Active Members Discount Code
















Benefits at a Glance

(click image to enlarge)